Living a life of vow

A record of my training as a chaplain and other things Zen.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Genjo Koan (Day 3) - Is everything in zen mu?

...all one boisterous cry of "Just this!"  "leaping free of the many and the one..." is to envelop it all at the same time.  No getting away from any of it; but always accessible is the realization that there is nothing to get away from.

Ach, zen-speak!

Here is me-speak:  My son is back home.  He is the same.  And he is changing moment to moment.  With equanimity (fleeting, but reoccuring), I stand in the midst of our lives, the past and future flow cold over my ankles.  My own boisterous cry is "Just this!" Then I see what needs doing....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

No preference?

Started this post on Monday:  There's a lot to do this month.  Heck, there's a great deal loaded into this week. The practice of the week is to show up, do what is needed, and notice where the preference and aversion arises.

Lets start with having to get 'dressed' for work.

Now it is Tuesday.  Whoa.  Were I to list all of yesterday's preferences and aversions, I'd lose an hour.  From preferring more time at home to not wanting to take another call while in the car, to wishing my sad son were less sad and I less frustrated with him, to noting my deep impatience as folks in meetings slowly come to conclusions we'd made a year ago and staff held their anger in truly pointless paranoid defiance to reason.

But today is what I've got.  Started Stephen Levin's "A Year to Live" - something I'd wanted to read and seemingly good prep for the ZCCC interview.  Just the first chapter makes me wonder how to do today differently.