Living a life of vow

A record of my training as a chaplain and other things Zen.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A warming brew

Been participating in a 'tea swap' - an outgrowth of another online community called PaperBackSwap.  There is something...delicious.. about sharing a spot of tea!  Won a prize for submitting a description of myself as a tea.
The prize is the tea bag holder.  The cup is my current favorite (and yes, that is the Dewey classification number for tea).  The winning description follows!

Me as a tea?

There’s the tea I am
And the tea I would be.

The tea that I am is Fidgit-tea.
Flash frozen then freeze dried,
quickly steeped and fragrant,
a burst of flavor - bergamot, cinnamon, ginger, chai,
warmed by the kinetic energy of a busy life.
Zip, zoom, whizz, wheee - yes that would be me as a tea.

But then there’s the tea I would be.

A drink drunk deep,
strong, sharp, subtly sweet.
One sip and the eyes open
Two sips and the mind expands
Three sips and all can see:
You and me - all the same - over a cup of tea.

Filling your cup, you fill mine.
With this simple act, we are divine.

There’s the tea I am
And the tea I would be.
They are really the same...
Tea of a single flavor,
that’s me as a tea