Living a life of vow

A record of my training as a chaplain and other things Zen.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

First post

Here's the intent: To support a practice of seeing clearly in thought, word, and deed.

A friend shared a poem by Hafiz on his blog as a portent for the year, which is what inspired me to finally practice my own Network Zen. Here's the poem:

For God
to make love
For the divine alchemy to work,

The Pitcher needs a still cup.

Ask Hafiz
Anything more about

Your most

(Thank's Bice.) Here's to the still cup, and the chance to see clear, right down to the bottom.

1 comment:

  1. You go Elena.

    Poetism will get you where you are headed anyway.

    OK, maybe that didn't come out right.


