Living a life of vow

A record of my training as a chaplain and other things Zen.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Healing Zen, Ellen Birx, 2002 (R2012)

Collection of talks.  Student of Roshi Kennedy and a nurse.  A flavor of applied zen!

(23) Exhaust yourself:  Citing Zen Master Mumons exhortation to exhaust yourself in sitting zazen.  "You are not daydreaming or fantasizing.  All of your energy is being used to be awake and present in the moment.....Wake up, sit up, pay attention, and be fully present with every cell in your body."

(57) Ghandi:  May I live simply that others may simply live.

(76) Openness:  When I am open to the patient, the patient is free to speak and question openly and to hear the answer that lies in his or her own heart.

(107) Hyakujo and the fox:  Hyakujo believed it was punishment for a mistake that caused him to be reborn as a fox for hundreds of lifetimes.  Not a view of the whole.  He enjoyed hundreds of lives of grace as a fox.

(126) Zen meditation can be seen as a wordless prayer.  It is not a means to an end.  It is simply being with what is already here.

(130) on Hui-ko, letting go can sometimes feel like death, but it does not result in death.  Letting go opens you to new life - a life of clear awareness of the whole.

(193)  Seeing, insight are not ends in themselves.  Seeing and responding go hand in hand.  Zen insight leads you back into the world where you continue to ask "What do I see?" and "How do I respond?"

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